About Carmen Ceniga Prado

Carmen Ceniga Prado (b.1995, Spain) works to observe, listen and connect with the deeper self through the natural world. Inspired by the innate cycles of life, the artworks embody the full power of nature including its depth, mysteriousness, sensuality and purity. She creates from different languages such as painting, carved wood and clay. Using it as a source of all, the abstract pieces offer an alternative understanding and point of access to this organic energy. The objects work as amulets of protection, but also as catalysts for the development of our emotional intelligence.

Carmen started her studies in Fine Arts at Pratt Institute in New York in 2015 supported by their International Merit Scholarship, then finishing her BFA at Wimbledon College of Arts at the University of the Arts London in 2018. Her works have been exhibited in Germany, Spain and London. Together with her art practice, she works on projects to champion children’s creativity. She is currently based in Singapore.