Jin Shin Jyutsu
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I consulted Antoinette for Jin Shin Jyutsu as soon as I discovered I was pregnant. During the pregnancy, I experienced numerous physical discomforts starting with morning sickness during the first three months. After a JSJ session, I would feel less nauseous, tense, overwhelmed, and much more relaxed. It allowed me to be physically able to operate at work with significantly less difficulty. I also experienced migraines and insomnia throughout my pregnancy; they became more manageable and reduced in intensity.

Additionally, I felt that Jin Shin Jyutsu helped to release the fears of delivering my baby. It helped me become more balanced in body and mind, which I felt gave me more strength for the entire duration of my pregnancy. I did not fall ill for the 39.5 weeks of my pregnancy. Instead of feeling conflicted and misaligned, it gave me the peace, strength, and confidence to also allow my body to do what it needed to do to assist the baby to come into the world swiftly and without complication.

I believe these positive energies were passed on to the baby too. – MC

I was sceptical and nervous before our first session, but it was a very calming experience; Antoinette will place her palms at different areas of the body, depending on the needs of that particular session, you will feel warmth radiating within the body, helped by Antoinette’s healing and positive energy. At the end of the session, I felt energised and whatever anxiety I had before the session had dissipated.

I continue to see Antoinette regularly throughout the pregnancy. To my great relief and everyone’s surprise, it was such a smooth and pleasant pregnancy, I felt like my normal self with almost no unpleasant side effects of pregnancy.

After the delivery, the twins continue to be surprisingly almost fuss-free to this day. I’d like to believe it’s partially due to the Jin Shin sessions. Everyone’s experience might differ, but I am very grateful for the Jin Shin Jyutsu therapy I had with Antoinette. – IB

I have known Antoinette for many years and have always been impressed by the range of her knowledge and the diversity of the modalities that she masters. I sought Antoinette’s help when I was pregnant to help me find balance and relax. She recommended Jin Shin Jyutsu and I could not have been happier with her advice.

I experienced deep relaxation during the Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions with Antoinette. They helped me sleep better and relieved some of the unpleasant symptoms I had during the last trimester of my pregnancy. Antoinette is a very gentle and compassionate person so I felt very safe in her care. I would definitely recommend her services, in particular Jin Shin Jyutsu, to anyone interested in alternative therapies. – ML

Jin Shin Jyutsu can be helpful for a wide range of conditions related to mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual disharmonies, such as eliminating fatigue, increasing energy, reducing stress, finding clarity and calm, reducing acute and chronic pain, helping with back and neck issues, improving digestion, and bringing relief for mental and emotional stresses, such as depression, anxiety, burn-out, faster recovery from surgery, and many more.

One of my main joys is helping pregnant moms navigate the enormous changes that the body experiences during pregnancy. To witness them feel happier and healthier throughout the pregnancy with the help of Jin Shin Jyutsu is wonderful. But, of course, the babies benefit too, and I call them ZenBabies because they are more grounded and balanced.

Jin Shin Jyutsu is also an excellent method for prevention and actively maintaining your current well-being level.

At the beginning of the session, we discuss your needs to choose the best treatment protocol. To start, you lie comfortably on a massage bed, fully clothed, on your back. I will then apply a harmonising sequence gently via my hands on specific meridian points to support your body to release tension, fatigue, and other discomfort based on the desired objective.

While everyone’s experience is unique, common feedback is – reduced mental, emotional, and physical stress and a deep state of relaxation.

To support the work done in the session, I often teach clients some simple self-help techniques which they can easily practice at home.

Sessions are a maximum of 60 min long with 10 minutes of resting time after the session. I prefer giving the body some time to assimilate and integrate some of the energetic shifts before the client goes on with their (usually hectic) life.