The science behind Reiki

Reiki is a combination of the Japanese terms “rei,” which means global or spiritual, and “ki,” which signifies life force energy. In order to facilitate healing, relaxation, and general well-being, Reiki includes the transmission of this energy from the practitioner to the patient through the hands.

A Buddhist monk, Mikao Usui created Reiki in Japan in the early 20th century. Usui created a set of hand postures and methods for channelling the energy after claiming to have discovered its therapeutic potential during a period of spiritual enlightenment and meditation.

Reiki balances and restores the energy flow in the body as it works with the universal life force energy, which is present in all living things and it promotes physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

In the 1980s and 1990s, through the use of Reiki energy healers, Dr. Seto and Dr. Zimmerman demonstrated that the frequency we emit is in the region of 30 to 50 Hz, which is close to the primary Schumann resonance. The human body oscillates within this frequency band. SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device) Magnetometers, which are incredibly sensitive magnetic field detectors, were used in this study. 

In essence, when you have a Reiki healing session from a healer, you are receiving PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field) therapy. Reiki practitioners emit a massive, pulsating bio-magnetic field that is at least 1000 times stronger than usual. This connection enables the user to access the “universal energy field” through the Schumann Resonance. This brings us to the idea of a “living universe” or “living web of interdependence” in quantum physics, which supports the subjective experiences of “oneness” or “expanded consciousness” that people who receive Reiki therapy report.

Reiki affects the body’s electromagnetic field, which is created by the nervous system’s activity and the movement of charged particles throughout the body. Numerous physiological systems, including respiration, immunological response, and blood circulation, are regulated by this field. Reiki practitioners are able to impact this field and encourage healing by channeling energy into the body. 

The promotion of relaxation and the reduction of stress, both of which are known to have a variety of beneficial impacts on health, is another reason why Reiki works. Numerous physiological and psychological symptoms, such as high blood pressure, anxiety, and depression, are linked to stress. These symptoms may be lessened and general welfare is enhanced by Reiki by producing a profound level of relaxation.

Numerous research has suggested Reiki has some therapeutic effects: Reiki was found to be useful in lowering pain and anxiety in individuals following knee replacement surgery in a study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine in 2008. A second study done in the same publication in 2010 discovered that Reiki helped cancer patients with their anxiety and depressive symptoms.

Independent medical research has discovered that using particular frequencies, such as 2Hz, will promote capillary creation at 15Hz, neuron regeneration at 7Hz, bone regeneration at 10Hz, and ligament healing at 10Hz.  Currently, a lot of physiotherapy tools are built to promote soft tissue regeneration using these ideas.  

In conclusion, additional research is required to completely comprehend the therapeutic effects of Reiki healing. However, based on our present knowledge of the human body and energy systems, there are a number of ideas that make sense as to how Reiki functions. 


Reiki therapy for discomfort, anxiety, and quality of life

Reiki Is More Effective Than Placebo and Possesses a Wide Range of Health Benefits (

An extensive analysis of randomized studies’ effects on pain and anxiety in adults receiving Reiki therapy is presented, along with effect size estimations.(

A meta-analysis of reiki’s impact on pain is available at

Defining Reiki as a Healing Method for Nurses