Use Ikigai to Align Your Work and Life

Thinking about your current state, your goals, and your purpose is one thing. Sketching or visualizing them using a diagram is another.

When you see your life summarized and encapsulated in an illustration, you get a better sense of where you are and how close you stand to your desired outcome. The process of diagramming also transforms abstract thoughts and ideas into actionable goals so you can correctly navigate yourself towards what means most to you.

As a voyager, you eventually learn to pause to check your bearings. Are you running in circles? Is your fuel enough to take you to your destination? Do you need to take a detour?

Finding the right path encourages us to be truthful and reflective of the present. If you’re feeling lost, the Ikigai Diagram may help you re-center yourself to tread the correct route.

The infographic below summarizes the important points of using the diagram: